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First J-War: Unabridged


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Added for posterity:

Chimi-Yesterday at 11:16 PM
Dj j posj ij Mytj-Weaverj.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:18 PM
J caj trj tj makj j posj foj thj mytj-weavej
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:18 PM
Trj reallj harj!
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:18 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:19 PM
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:20 PM
Sits and watches chimi and ducj
TheWhitefire-Yesterday at 11:20 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:20 PM
startj makinj j posj
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:20 PM
Lairj whaj arj yoj lookinj aj!
TheWhitefire-Yesterday at 11:21 PM
chrmrrg, hrrg rrg yrrg drgergin?
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:21 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:21 PM
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:22 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:22 PM
ThjWhitjFirj whaj arj yoj oj abouj?
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:22 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:22 PM
Cybej goddesj!
Chee-Yesterday at 11:23 PM
This, this is what madness looks like
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:23 PM
<link removed>
You're an Idiot
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:23 PM
Thij ij thj inevitablj progresj oj memej.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:23 PM
Nj, maddnesj looj likj thij
Chee-Yesterday at 11:23 PM
I see two choices here
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:23 PM
Who summoned me with the summoning ritual?
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:23 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:24 PM
Noj mj risinj Zaj
Chee-Yesterday at 11:24 PM
Try and decypher this madness, or choose to ignore it all
goes back to working on his games
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:24 PM
Joij uj Chej!!
Onj oj uj!
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:24 PM
Whaj madnesj?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:24 PM
Onj oj uj!
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:24 PM
Wj caj saj anjthinj ij wj talj likj thij!
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:25 PM
Chjmj evolutjoj oj thj memej
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:25 PM
Thij ij harj oj mj phonj
Chee-Yesterday at 11:26 PM
Did up my pledge to the Fate kickstarter
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:26 PM
J dij toj!
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:26 PM
Ij ij Risinj!
Chee-Yesterday at 11:26 PM
Just so I could have the tokens
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:26 PM
Tokenj arj gooj.
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:26 PM
You should donate to my kickstarter
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
Chee-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
Do you have one?
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
J wisj morj oj thj layerej dicj goj reachej.
Chee-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
Are you kick starting something I want?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
Yoj betrayej thj memj Zaj!
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
Yes. For only 10 bucks you can serve me for all time
Chee-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
What if I gave you Serak?
He is kind of broken, but he would make for a good lunch plate
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:28 PM
J ij noj foj salj
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:28 PM
Seraks trade in vale is around $3.50
I can give you a bumper sticker saying you love me for that
Chee-Yesterday at 11:28 PM
Done deal
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
Nj don'j dj ij!
Chee-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
How do you feel about foxes?
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
since when were we trading in evil minions?
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
Too late. Thj duckj minj
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
Haj J beej solj?
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:29 PM
Also....the duck is yours.
picks up phone
"Yes....deploy the coursers....we have another kidnapping."
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
....what the hell is happening
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
"Dead please."(edited)
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
Savj mj CJ!
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
"No just throw the bodies in the river."
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
stealj thj Ducj
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
Hj Natj!
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
I'm just relocating my tyranny funds
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
<nathan face emoji>
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
hangs up phone
Chee-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
I got to admit, Nate
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
Hj Natj!
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:30 PM
thankj chjmj!
Espional-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
...Wait what now
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
"You have three coursers heading for your position. Give the ducky back to the Synth and you might get away with a few warning shots if you run."
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
Don'j questioj ij nathaj
Chee-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
I'm still disappointed everytime I see Link's face and not the helpful pink faerie
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
What pink fairy
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
thj onj froj zeldj
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
@Nathan I'll trade you the duck if you make my name GodKing Zan(edited)
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
Chee-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
idk, the fatigue is strong to day
Like, the one that floats around Link
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:32 PM
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:32 PM
It's getting hard to read it!
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:32 PM
She's blue.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:32 PM
Navj yj!
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:32 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:32 PM
J thinj itj j gooj deaj
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
screw it. Going back to the other chatroom.
I'd never thought I'd say this, but the spelling is better there.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Sorrj CJ.
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Cyber loves us
Chee-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Blue, pink, whatever
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Next person to use j's gets muted
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
<Flat Emoji Face>
Colin-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
For 10 minutes
.mute Colin 10
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Colin-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
<Smiling Face Emoji>
Chee-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Bah, Colin beat me to it
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
I hope you're...yoking.
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
.mute @Colin 10
Chee-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
I was looking at his shirts
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Oh wait
Do we have MW bot turned off in this channel?(edited)
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
can you even do that to admins?
Colin-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
and I don't think so
.roll 1d20
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
@Cyber_Goddess Dice rolled: 11 - 20
8 + 0 - 0 = 8
<Duck Emoji>
Chee-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Oh, right
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
No I think it's that you can't do it to admins
Colin-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Without the period, aye
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
.mute 10 @]Colin
Colin-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 GM_Cru#9120 has been muted from text and voice chat for 10 minutes.
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
He's invincible
Chee-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
<open mouth emoji>
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
he actually pulled it off
Chee-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Colin, you monster
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Colin-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Chee-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
You musted Nathan
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Colin is immortal
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
I'm confused
Why isn't it working
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Apparently it didn't work >.<
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Hj jusj saij thj nexj persoj.
Colin-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Admin I think
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Noj forevej.
Chee-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
.mute Chimi 10
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
.mute 10 @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:35 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been muted from text and voice chat for 10 minutes.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Nj Chjmj don'j RIJ
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
stop it
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
.mute 10 @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from text and voice chat for 10 minutes.
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
the admins are legit taking action
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Chee-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
My word
Colin-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
wait how can he post if he's been muted!
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
This is so tempting
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
I'm so confused.
Colin-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Ducj is invincible
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Why isn't it working?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
... random
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
#7 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Colin-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Or is it invinciblj?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
<Tongue stick out emoji>
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Aj J mutej?
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Your fine chimi
Chee-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Maybe it just kicks you out of voice chat?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:36 PM
stares at admins
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Colin-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
@Saraphia He did it!
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
It isn't set up properly.
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Colin-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Just remember Nathan...
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
You are all doing me a concern
Colin-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
You can mute me on the Discord...
But I can mute you on the site
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
.chatmute @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been muted from chatting.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
With great power comes great responsibilitj
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Hoj abouj noj?
Chee-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
MW Bot why aren't you working
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
Chimi cannot be silenced
Chee-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
Get gud, Nate
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
Colin-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
Because it doesn't love you
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
Today is MW Bot's day off
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
Here let me try
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
For the next ten minutes, GodKing Zan declares to stop using the letter J(edited)
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:38 PM
.chatmutj @Chimj
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
.chatmute @SerakHawk
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Just the letter j?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Admij onlj
Colin-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Okay, fun as this was folks, I need sleep
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Damn. I have no power here
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Nighj Colij!
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Colin-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Gem's car is in the shop, so I get the honor of driving her to work at 0330 tomorrow
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Colin-Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Plus side, the oil leak is not the head gasket as was feared, it actually is the oil pan
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
thaj earlj starj tj thj daj
Colin-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
Still not cheap, but half as costly to replace
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
thatj bettej thaj nothij
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
.chatunmute @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been unmuted from chatting.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
Oj gooj!
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
.chatmute @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been muted from chatting.
Colin-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
Night folks!
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
J liej cheesj!
Chee-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
.chatunmute @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
Chee#1556 Wobbles#7107 has been unmuted from chatting.
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
I actually have legitimately no idea why it's not working
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
Chee-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
Ohhai, I can touch things too
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:42 PM
@Nathan ... Well, at least you found it when it was just us being silly.
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:42 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:43 PM
.chatunmute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:43 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been unmuted from chatting.
Colin-Yesterday at 11:43 PM
I lied, I'm not out yet!
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:43 PM
Gj tj bej Colij!
Colin-Yesterday at 11:43 PM
First I give the chat this (no profanity)

Jack Sparrow Unplugged (from Michael Bolton's Netflix Special)
Fullscreen recommended
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:44 PM
Can you give me something else?
Colin-Yesterday at 11:44 PM
Nope, definitely that
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:44 PM
J caj givj yoj j huj
j virtuaj huj
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:44 PM
.chatmute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:44 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from chatting.
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:44 PM
I own you. I can get hugs whenever I want
Chee-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
This is what happens when you give Nate a puzzle to play with
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
@SerakHawk try now?
Colin-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
goes to break more bot commands sleep
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
Espional-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
pokes head in
Is...is it safe?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
Well, aside from me trying to figure out why the mute command isn't working...
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:46 PM
Ij ij nevej safj
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:46 PM
It's "safe"
Just the way i like it
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:46 PM
Ij'j nevej safj.
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:47 PM
Sorrj. "Safj"
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:47 PM
Be nice to Nathan
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:47 PM
J lovj nathaj
EDTA-Yesterday at 11:47 PM
I feel like I walked in on something stupid happening...
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:47 PM
Hj ij thj besj
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:48 PM
@EDTA Because you did.
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:48 PM
Nathaj wonj recognizj mj righj tj rulj
dauphinous-Yesterday at 11:48 PM
EDTA, you really did.
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:49 PM
EDTJ I lovj yoj!
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:49 PM
@Rising Zan Eh, the server don't need a king, when it already has a Laird.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:49 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:49 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:50 PM
.chatmute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:50 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from chatting.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:50 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:50 PM
Nooooooooj! J messej uj!
Espional-Yesterday at 11:50 PM
...I literally can't tell what's being said and I'm not sure how this started
hides under the couch ..(edited)
Cyber_Goddess-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
I agree it's annoying as hell
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
Yoj musj bj sacrificej
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
J thinj J startej ij.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
Chimj startej ij
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
.mute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from text and voice chat.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
Dij ij worj?
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:51 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:52 PM
Dammij, thij ij makinj mj noj posj
J blamj yoj chimj
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:52 PM
Sorrj Ducj.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:52 PM
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:52 PM
@EDTA The admins are testing the bot, and it's not working.
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:52 PM
Ij totallj ij mj faulj.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
J stilj lovj yoj
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
Itj becausj thj boj agreej witj uj
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
SerakHawk#3609 Quote Added
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
... J
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
MW Bot, you're drunk, go home.
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:54 PM
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:54 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:54 PM
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:54 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:54 PM
goej tj actuallj posj
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:55 PM
Ij goinj tj watcj yojtubj.
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
.mute @SerakHawk
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
J givj yoj alj permissioj tj exisj withouj mj herj
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 I don't have the permission necessary for that most likely.
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
What the heck is up with the Bot?
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
.mute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from text and voice chat.
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:57 PM
Well he is MY duck now. He surpasses the bot
Saraphia-Yesterday at 11:57 PM
The bot has gone rogue
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:57 PM
@SerakHawk try now?
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:57 PM
He went to post
He's never coming back
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Trj Chimj?
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Yoj callej?
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
.unmute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been unmuted from text and voice chat.
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
.mute @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been muted from text and voice chat.
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Hoj abouj noj?
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Laird Ichofox-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:58 PM
Wj beaj thj boj?
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
.unmute @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been unmuted from text and voice chat.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
doej havinj j usej rolj bypasj thj mutj?
Nathan-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
No, it shouldn't.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Rising Zan-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Since the bot failed so bad you should rename it MJ Boj for a week
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Maybj ij doej.
SerakHawk-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Chimi-Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Hahj MJ BOJ!(edited)
February 28, 2018
SerakHawk-Today at 12:00 AM
frownj aj chimj
Chimi-Today at 12:00 AM
SerakHawk-Today at 12:01 AM
Chimi-Today at 12:01 AM
Hahj ij morj oj j sounj thaj j worj.
SerakHawk-Today at 12:02 AM
J dij thj posj!
Noj J neej tj finisj mj apj foj natj
Nathan-Today at 12:02 AM
.mute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Today at 12:02 AM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from text and voice chat.
SerakHawk-Today at 12:03 AM
haj thij beej lonj enougj chimj? Thinj wj caj stoj?
Chimi-Today at 12:03 AM
Yeaj, J thinj ij'j timj.
SerakHawk-Today at 12:03 AM
<Large J Emoji>
Nathan-Today at 12:03 AM
.mute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Today at 12:03 AM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from text and voice chat.
SerakHawk-Today at 12:04 AM
Neve<J emoji>!
Chimi-Today at 12:04 AM
And it shall be known as 'The Time Nathan Utterly Failed To Ban The Letter J.'
SerakHawk-Today at 12:04 AM
The great J war of 2018
Nathan-Today at 12:05 AM
.mute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Today at 12:05 AM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been muted from text and voice chat.
❤️ J reactions on the bot's post>
Chimi-Today at 12:05 AM
Probably a good thing. You gotta let it burn out. If he had banned it, it would have smouldered.
SerakHawk-Today at 12:05 AM
<J Emoji with 3 J reactions on the post>
Nathan-Today at 12:06 AM
.mute @Chimi
<2 Flat face reactions>
MW BotBOT-Today at 12:06 AM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been muted from text and voice chat.
<Reaction letters spelling "It Worked"
Nathan-Today at 12:06 AM
.unmute @Chimi
MW BotBOT-Today at 12:06 AM
ForgottenGlory#8407 Wobbles#7107 has been unmuted from text and voice chat.
Chimi-Today at 12:06 AM
Nathan-Today at 12:06 AM
.unmute @SerakHawk
MW BotBOT-Today at 12:06 AM
ForgottenGlory#8407 SerakHawk#3609 has been unmuted from text and voice chat.
Chimi-Today at 12:06 AM
Haha, but we can still use reactos?
SerakHawk-Today at 12:07 AM
Chimi-Today at 12:07 AM
Nathan-Today at 12:07 AM
Ok, so I figured out what the issue is
SerakHawk-Today at 12:07 AM
But I guess the mute works now... thats... cool... I guess?
Kylen-Today at 12:08 AM
What's the issue?
SerakHawk-Today at 12:08 AM
Nothij now
Nathan-Today at 12:14 AM
Saraphia-Today at 12:14 AM
SerakHawk-Today at 12:14 AM
oh I can speak now
Nathan-Today at 12:14 AM
Oh crap it was broken
Sorry folks
Chee-Today at 12:14 AM
SerakHawk-Today at 12:14 AM
Chee-Today at 12:14 AM
Chimi-Today at 12:15 AM
SerakHawk-Today at 12:15 AM
<J Emoji>
Chimi-Today at 12:15 AM
Haha, the only way to shut us up was to shut everyone up?
Nathan-Today at 12:15 AM
Could someone please verify I didn't break #dnd or other channels?
Chimi-Today at 12:16 AM
D&D and Vidya are good.
Saraphia-Today at 12:16 AM
Not broken for me
SerakHawk-Today at 12:16 AM
Nathan-Today at 12:16 AM
Ok cool, thanks
SerakHawk-Today at 12:16 AM
Thus concludes the first J war


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