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  1. Or you can use the particular rules of living pathfinder to try something normally not available Cant make a long lasting, mechanically good, character? dont make one level 1 mechanically good character you'd like to try out, at level 2 if you got tired of it simply retire the character and make another, nothing say you cant make 10 different characters on your way to level 10 and that is something you cant do in normal games.
  2. In a somewhat venomous tone she reply to Emiko "because you have nothing, nothing to care, nothing to lose, nothing to fight for, it's not a big problem if the news paint you as inadequate, if they question your merits...but for me this is home, my family, my friends, everyone i know live here and will keep living here in the years to come. It's not something those like you can understand but i have a life beside this job, this interview can bring it to new heights or push it down a cliff, this is important for me" By the end of the week everyone in England will know her name and face, her hometown, her school, the name of her parents and close friends, for Zelda this is as big of a deal as a battle with an entity, she cant afford a negative impression.
  3. Zelda too join the squad, watching the battle at the TV, Emiko note a change in behavior, but even Mikhail might notice it even if they had interacted only briefly, Zelda is cold and detached, keep them at bay, a different person from the one who baptized Emiko as the -White Witch- or joked with her about finding a playground for Anya. Mikhail, well, the first thing she told him when they met was about the 100% discount at the local bakery...that person was friendly and welcoming, this one however look at him as if they were still living during the cold war. Regardless these negative feelings, she is in a good mood, the free day at the base reinvigorated her, the idea way to relieve the stress. "They had an easier battle than us and got out worse. That pilot is supposed to be a very, very experienced pointman who went into battle with a scope on his pallet rifle when maser rifles were available, Luna is a skirmisher like me and Anya and what did she do right out of the gate? throw away her maser rifle. I'd save Felix, i think an AT specialist like Emiko , fate handed him a terrible hand but he played his cards well.... but his companions? they switched roles, the pointman behaved like a skirmisher, unfortunately he had the wrong weapon and didnt cause more than a bruise to the entity while the skirmished did land a smackdown in melee, but also got wrecked, an honorable outcome for a pointman but not for the skirmisher who had a perfectly good rifle available." She shake her head, then, speaking with lower voice tone "the majority of the news trash us for our battle, i swear, if at the interview someone dare to suggest that the old team was better i'll... " nothing, she isnt going to say anything, Zelda's desire to excel, to be in the spotlight, will prevent her from sabotaging her debut.
  4. I'm also fine moving forward, quite eager to do the interview 😎
  5. The houserule work for agi 3 characters.... but has reduced effects for agi 4 (and agi 9, but nobody will get there 😅) characters(they dont get the benefit on full move, just on run/charge actions) RAW: Agi 4 full move: 16 (4 squares) Houserule: agi 4+1 full move: 20 (4 squares) May i suggest to change it to "+1 movement distance square to full move,charge and run actions" that way the rule apply to every agi value in the same way
  6. No real time sessions, roll20 would be used exclusively to provide a combat map, a player would log in to roll20 to move their token, draw lines for area effects, place a sign for marked/debuffed enemies.
  7. Got it, second question, how will you handle point blank range in the next fight?
  8. Maybe it's a dumb question, does variation to sync rating affect ATS?
  9. About melee Vs ranged I think it's the kind of thing you decide during the fight(until we upgrade the taravangian to provide more data, if that's possible ). The turtle could have a dangerous melee attack, or a damaging aura, or maybe it's weak in melee but has powerful ranged attack, or some strange power, it will take us a few rounds to learn and try to counter it. Unfortunately I just realized emiko barrier isn't going to matter, the turtle has higher ATS than her deflection
  10. Indeed, cant say i'm surprised, i dont remember seeing a dnd4 game here on the new site and even on the old site it was a pretty rare sight in the last few years, i've spent a considerable amount of time debating if to pick dnd4(my preferred choice) or go for dnd5/pathfinder(the most popular choices), ultimately i went with the former, to have no regrets.
  11. 27 October is fine, by then either Hariti will be defeated or Jen wont have reasons to visit London. These links, these bonds, the people in her life, they sometimes complicate things but at the same time they make it possible, their support is invaluable and Zelda wont give it up, even if it require pro level juggling skills to balance Spy, Pilot and Social life. The chat with Jenn helped distract Zelda from the current problem: living with replicants, she wonder how many Emikos are out there and what happened to the real one. A message, from Silver, Zelda read it but does not reply, instead she continue with her dinner and once finished she visit the park; there she sit on a bench and while relaxing the teen check her smartphone, looking at the social media, this time with more attention.
  12. Battle Plan proposal We all go on ships(no airdrops) battery autonomy isnt enough to pull that stunt, also Emiko's barrier could be handy to protect not just her but the ship she is on/nearby allies We buy 2 new Type C equipment, paying 5 surplus and 5 Zelda trust for one and 5 surplus and 5 Anya trust for the other( borrowing the test/prototype versions for a single mission cost half their value and will cause extra collateral, possibly reducing our surplus reward, a really bad deal) We use c equipment(who use the new and who use the test/prototype is not relevant in this mission, the sea isnt deep enough) and get into water as soon as possible
  13. Turmold is used to Raygar's endless appetite, maybe it's a side effect of his magic, the fighter enjoy his meal but stay relatively light "i wonder where is this labyrinth and why this Djinn want people to complete it" curious about the job, with a city full of adventurers Lady Amina decided to cross the continent to recruit strangers form Venza, the dwarf is eager to solve the mistery
  14. I'm a bit afraid we're splitting our focus too much, investigating tsukiki/the threats is a "side quest" and we havent found anything worth to report about project red kite yet(i think, correct me if i'm wrong), our nerv trust score go up with every battle won and doesnt degrade, but for the parent organization the only way to keep the trust up is by finding stuff about the red kite and their trust does degrade over time. We need to find 2 minor information or a leading information, every month, just to stay on par with the trust score of the parent organization
  15. House-rules: The Flaming weapon magic item convert all damage to fire, not just untyped damage
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