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  1. Dwarf, Rogue (3)||Dwarven Paragon (1)/Fighter (2) AC: 17 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) | HP: 38/38 (3d10) | Speed: 20 ft. Touch AC: 13 | Flat Footed AC: 14 Senses: Spot: +8, Listen: +8, Search: +8 Str:Save: +3 Athletics: +3 Carrying Capacity: 240 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 480 lb. 14 (+2) | Dex:Initiative: −1 Save: −1 Acrobatics: −1 Slight-of-Hand: −1 Stealth: −1☆ ☆ disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from Chainmail Armor. 16 (+3) | Con:Save: +2 14 (+2) | Int:Save: +0 Arcana: +0 History: +0 Investigation: +0 Nature: +0 Religion: +0 14 (+2) | Wis:Save: +2 Animal Handling: +2 Insight: +2 Medicine: +2 Perception: +2 Survival: +2 14 (+2) | Cha:Save: +1 Deception: +1 Intimidation: +1 Performance: +1 Persuasion: +1 06 (-2) Languages: Common, Dwarf, Goblin and Orc “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions . . . Strunthal follows Argent to the last door, which off course led to more doors. He cautiously moves into the short hallway and moves up to check the first door (east). He listens to see if he can hear anything from inside and then checks to see if the door is locked. If not he opens it. OOC I think you ninja'd me just as you posted the initiative for the baddies. So I changed that post and rolled Initiative which was 22. Hopefully he can slam the door before they get there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dwarven axe is cold iron, in case that helps it bypass the DR. Loot: Sap, 3gp, 10sp, 6cp and some pills for bunions. 3 Magic Arrows 2 Cure Light Wound Potions
  2. Yes, I believe that is right. Using Chummer to make the characters make it easier to make a character, but it does make it harder for me to remember where all the points were spent. Hope that makes sense. ;)
  3. Baldur Dwarf Ranger 5 AC: 15 (chain shirt) | HP: 41/49 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 15 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +5 | Spell DC: 13 Spells Known1st Level Cure Wounds Entangle Hail of Thorns Speak with Animals 2nd Level Lesser Restoration Beast Sense | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Well then, by all means, if you can "Simply Destroy it" then please do. Everyone get out of the way and be ready to rush there once the hatch is destroyed. His tone is not sarcastic or anything, He takes Amelia at her word. If she says she can destroy the door then he believes her. Mechanics Main Hand: heavy crossbow Off Hand: heavy crossbow Action: Switch weapons Bonus Action: Move: Switch Weapons Manipulate: Racial ability - Colossus Slayer: it target is hit by a weapon and is below maximum hit points it takes an additional 1d8 once per turn.
  4. OMG, would someone please direct them to your poor injured elven companion!!! 😉
  5. Nezumi, Scout (2) || Psychic Warrior (2) AC: 16 (chain shirt + dex) | HP: 22/22 (1d8) | Speed: 40 ft. Touch AC: 12 | Flat Footed AC: 14 Senses: Low-light vision, Spot: +7, Listen: +7, Search: +5 Str:Save: +3 Athletics: +3 Carrying Capacity: 240 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 480 lb. 16 (+3) | Dex:Initiative: −1 Save: −1 Acrobatics: −1 Slight-of-Hand: −1 Stealth: −1☆ ☆ disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from Chainmail Armor. 14 (+2) | Con:Save: +2 16 (+3) | Int:Save: +0 Arcana: +0 History: +0 Investigation: +0 Nature: +0 Religion: +0 10 (+0) | Wis:Save: +2 Animal Handling: +2 Insight: +2 Medicine: +2 Perception: +2 Survival: +2 14 (+2) | Cha:Save: +1 Deception: +1 Intimidation: +1 Performance: +1 Persuasion: +1 08 (-1) Languages: Common, Nezumi “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions . . . He listens as the others talk, but shakes his head when he hears them talking of giants throwing the boulders. Big rocks no thrown. They fall straight down. I then points at Kella. I no trust. She no let anyone check her. She might be another walking dead. We should make sure before trust her. He watches her to see how she will react, still ready to chop her head off if she tries anything. OOCMovement: 5' step Action: attack with reach of naginate Bonus Action: none Reaction: none In Right Hand: Naginata In Left Hand: Naginata
  6. Sun Elf, Wizard HEY! WE COULD USE SOME REINFORCEMENTS OVER HERE! Finwe calls out as he decides on his next move. Meanwhile the large hammer swings at its target again landing a solid blow. Making a choice he chants again and points at the Zombie that made it out of the webs. A fiery ray shoots from his hand and strikes the zombie charring its flesh and bones. OOC Mage Armor: AC 17, duration: 5 hours Spiritual weapon activated in round 1: Duration 7 rnds. Att: +4, Damage: 3d6 Hooded lantern with Continual Flame is hanging from his belt. Kodo has scent so can detect them if they get within 30', but can only pin point them if they are within 5'. Unless he spends a move action concentrating and trying to locate the smell. Not sure if that is a skill or just a flat Stat check. I am guessing it would be Wisdom.
  7. Garrick Darean AC: 15 | HP: 17/21 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 15 Str: 13 (+1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 12 (+1) | Int: 16 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 08 (-1) Attacks: +1 Longsword: Att: +4, Dmg: 1d8+2 (1d10+2) Rapier: Att: +6, Dmg: 1d8+4 (piercing) Shortbow: Att: +6, Dmg: 1d6+4 (piercing) Range: 80/320 Dagger: Att: +6, Dmg: 1d4+4 (piercing) Range: 20/60 Spell Slots: 2 /2 | Hit Dice: 3 / 3 d8 | Conditions: Normal Saves: Str +1, Dex +6, Con +1, Int +5, Wis +1, Cha -1 Death Saves: 0 success's/0 failures Racial Features Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill. Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep. Trance: Elves don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is "trance.") While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. If you meditate during a long rest, you finish the rest after only 4 hours. You otherwise obey all the rules for a long rest; only the duration is changed. Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish. Elvish is fluid, with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Elven literature is rich and varied, and their songs and poems are famous among other races. Many bards learn their language so they can add Elvish ballads to their repertoires. Elf Weapon Training: You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow. Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it. He knows Prestidigitation. Extra Language: You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choosing. Rogue Features Expertise (Perception, Thieves Tools): At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with thieves’ tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. At 6th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies (in skills or with thieves’ tools) to gain this benefit. Sneak Attack (+2d6): Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue table. Thieves' Cant: During your rogue training you learned thieves’ cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly. In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run. Archetype - Arcane Trickster Spellcasting: Save DC: 13 / Attack bonus: +5 / Spell Slots: 2 - 1st Cantrips Known: Mage Hand, Mending, Mold Earth 1st Level Spells Known: Comprehend Languages (rit), Silent Image, Sleep Mage Hand Legerdemain: when you cast , you can make the spectral hand , and you can perform the following additional tasks with it: You can stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature. You can retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature. You can use thieves tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range. You can perform one of these tasks without being noticed by a creature if you succeed on a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the creature's Wisdom (Perception) check. In addition, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to control the hand. Steady Aim: As a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven't moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn. Garrick stays where he is, not getting any closer. Correct on all accounts. My name is Garrick. We stumbled upon this place during a fairly nasty sandstorm and took shelter. Needless to say it was a total surprise that the civilization still thrived below the surface. You don't normally find that when you stumble upon a long lost city. He will let the others step forward and announce themselves if they wish. OOCNot sure if that hits so did not go into more detail.
  8. Baldur has a total of 49 hit points, not 32. So would be at 41. 😉
  9. Baldur Dwarf Ranger 5 AC: 15 (chain shirt) | HP: 41/49 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 15 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +5 | Spell DC: 13 Spells Known1st Level Cure Wounds Entangle Hail of Thorns Speak with Animals 2nd Level Lesser Restoration Beast Sense | DM Inspiration: 1/1 Ow! That was not nice. He puts away his morningstar and pulls out his crossbow. He aims it at the hatch just in case one of those witches dared peek out again. Anyone got any ideas on how to get through that door. Sounds like one of the is standing on it. We need to get up there fast or there is no teling what horrid things they will do to their captives. Mechanics Main Hand: heavy crossbow Off Hand: heavy crossbow Action: Switch weapons Bonus Action: Move: Switch Weapons Manipulate: Racial ability - Colossus Slayer: it target is hit by a weapon and is below maximum hit points it takes an additional 1d8 once per turn.
  10. I don't have a problem with it if you don't.
  11. Whisper Gnome, Rogue 2 AC: 18, HP: 12/12, Initiative7: +4, Perception: +8, Search: +8Stonecunning: If he moves within 10' of a stonework trap or hidden or secret door, then he makes a Search check to spot as if actively searching. Str: 11 (+0), Dex: 18(+4), Con: 12 (+1), Int: 16 (+3), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha:13 (+1) Shade watches with a slight smile on his face. He spends some time see if he knows anything or has heard of this dwarf clan or of Dune Dalan. He is excited to see if the blustering dwarves will gain entry or not and is wondering if Varon has any of these coins they seem to need to get into the richer portion of the city. OOCTake 10 on all search checks for a total of 17 for both Perception and Search. Will buy Everbunring Torch for 110 gp and 2 alchemist fires for 20 gp each.
  12. Baldur Dwarf Ranger 5 AC: 15 (chain shirt) | HP: 43/49 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 15 Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +5 | Spell DC: 13 Spells Known1st Level Cure Wounds Entangle Hail of Thorns Speak with Animals 2nd Level Lesser Restoration Beast Sense | DM Inspiration: 1/1 With his initial target down he closes on the next one (Sem) and proceeds to try to help him get some sleep. His first shot delivers a solid blow to the farmboy, but the kid avoids his second one. Mechanics Main Hand: morningstar Off Hand: Action: attack Toborn Bonus Action: Move: closes with Toborn Manipulate: Racial ability - Colossus Slayer: it target is hit by a weapon and is below maximum hit points it takes an additional 1d8 once per turn.
  13. Nezumi, Scout (2) || Psychic Warrior (2) AC: 16 (chain shirt + dex) | HP: 22/22 (1d8) | Speed: 40 ft. Touch AC: 12 | Flat Footed AC: 14 Senses: Low-light vision, Spot: +7, Listen: +7, Search: +5 Str:Save: +3 Athletics: +3 Carrying Capacity: 240 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 480 lb. 16 (+3) | Dex:Initiative: −1 Save: −1 Acrobatics: −1 Slight-of-Hand: −1 Stealth: −1☆ ☆ disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from Chainmail Armor. 14 (+2) | Con:Save: +2 16 (+3) | Int:Save: +0 Arcana: +0 History: +0 Investigation: +0 Nature: +0 Religion: +0 10 (+0) | Wis:Save: +2 Animal Handling: +2 Insight: +2 Medicine: +2 Perception: +2 Survival: +2 14 (+2) | Cha:Save: +1 Deception: +1 Intimidation: +1 Performance: +1 Persuasion: +1 08 (-1) Languages: Common, Nezumi “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions . . . Something doe snot seem right about this woman, so Mark stands nearby with his weapon ready. If she turns out to be a threat he will be ready to end her life. How long ago did attack come? His main problem is that if gnolls are searching through the town ruins for valuables and survivors, then why did they not come up here since she was advertising her presence with a fire. OOCMovement: 5' step Action: attack with reach of naginate Bonus Action: none Reaction: none In Right Hand: Naginata In Left Hand: Naginata
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