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  1. I'm excited to show these guys the oracle. It changed a lot of our thinking. I'm curious to see how they come out. A small pause for me was more than worth it.
  2. Sweet. I really like how we are able build lore within our cultures. This is something I've only seen @Vladim and one other GM do on the weave. But I really like it.
  3. Sort of. I'm talking about the slaying of Isildur, but I'm assuming that in a thousand years of oral retelling all we really have is the broad strokes and some propaganda. I assume from the view point of Mordor that was a great victory. I figure they probably don't mention that he wasn't really running from the battlefield, just from an ambush. So add a thousand years of oral retelling, remove any mention of the One Ring because that is too deep a secret for my people to know, and presto you have a legend you can motivate your Black Uruks and your Hill people with: "The Anduin was a place of a mighty victory long ago. Our people killed one of the first Kings of Gondor, as he tried to flee across it. Got him right in the back with a black arrow. The Anduin belongs to the Orcs! And tonight we kill men there again!" Although Elfwynn could talk the slaying of Oghma, that wouldn't be a motivator for the forces of Mordor. One of their own betrayed the sorcerers and got away with it is bad propaganda. That kind of story you would trot out when you're planning a raid on the Beornings: "3 fat pigs and a barrel of ale to the crew what brings down the traitor when we hit them Beornings tonight. You'll recognize him easy enough... He carries a Long Bearded Axe like the Hill people make.... He's the one what killed Oghma. Took the chief's head to old Beorn as a present. Don't you worry about the Bear Lord though... scouts say he is a day away holding court at some village. He won't be back until it's too late for the traitor."
  4. Dahr-Ol of the Beornings A thoroughly miserable Dahr-Ol lay on the stretcher, lay in the boat, or limped along as he could within a day or two. He noted Barin's marker for the old man. It was a thing worth doing. "Cecil, help me down to the river, we should do the same for the man, Walar. Mayhap one of his kin will wander by here. Perhaps we can convince Gramtyng to scratch Walar's name and the fact that his death was avenged on the stone...." he wheezed Axe stats: Damage 9/Edge 10/Injury 20 Elfwynn was quiet during the retreat up the river and payed careful attention to the far shores of the river. Even on the island her spear was always at hand. She moved with a limp, and more slowly to be sure. But never without her weapon. "The orcs drove the river folk from this isle. We should not consider it a long term refuge. The sorcerers often tell a tale about this river. They claim to have slain a mighty king of men who fled a battle. I've no idea how true it is. The orcs will fear the reaving we did. But their masters will desire to relive an old glory."
  5. Karadoon Karadoon smiled as Iphigenia finally went down the rope. Both of them were stubborn. Leaning over he called after her, "Try not to let the fake storm dizzy your senses! I heard tell sailors are proud of how they weather a real storm!" Weapon - Combat statsBAB +1 Extra +1 (Brother Koji spell effect) Cutter: +2War Axe D6/D8 (1h/2h)
  6. I'm curious how much Dahr-Ol might know about the Snaga vs the Black Uruk. Is the Snaga actually tracking by scent? Is the Black Uruk definitely a Mordor orc? Those two questions specifically. it certainly does capture the mood though.
  7. @Vladim how much about the various breeds of orc do we as players know? Or would a lore check be in order?
  8. Karadoon Standing, Karadoon uncoiled rope and a climbing spike. "Get yerself down there lass. You can't understand what I'm trying to describe unless you see it for yerself. Also, you will ask questions I didn't think of. Or that Stavard won't think of. The value of this place is in the asking. I'll stand watch up here." Weapon - Combat statsBAB +1 Extra +1 (Brother Koji spell effect) Cutter: +2War Axe D6/D8 (1h/2h)
  9. go down with the others, I've been here before. Karadoon will stand watch.
  10. Karadoon Standing, Karadoon uncoiled rope and a climbing spike. "There is no way to lead you through. We are above a pit. Probably once the cellar of a tower. I will lower you down by rope. The makers left a spell on that place. The moment you cross the threshold you will feel as if the worst winds and storms of your life have descended upon you. Don't panic. Make contact with the ground. Force your eyes to see the dirt and stone. The elf we came here with called it an Illyooshin or something like that. Some sort of magic that makes you see and hear things that aren't there. Once the storm fades you will see writing on the wall. Eventually, spirits or ghosts or something will take shape and speak with you. Assure them you are not the Maliente. Let them know you are a descendant of the original makers of this place. Then ask them whatever you want. This magic is like a fire. It burns low after a time. Then the spirits or whatever they are must rest before they can appear again. I believe they told us they needed at least a week between visits." Weapon - Combat statsBAB +1 Extra +1 (Brother Koji spell effect) Cutter: +2War Axe D6/D8 (1h/2h)
  11. Dahr-Ol of the Beornings Late in the night Dahr-Ol thrashed violently and rolled over grasping for his axe. "This will be your last breath...." he wheezed more than shouted as he returned to consciousness. A coughing fit kept him from completing whatever threat he had meant to hurl at his now dead opponents. Axe stats: Damage 9/Edge 10/Injury 20 Elfwynn was alert and by his side in an instant. Deftly she shoved his axe out of arms reach with her left hand while she kept him from standing with her right. One would think she might have been expecting something similar to occur. "Be calm. Your enemies are dead and you live. We are all here. Rest, you are gravely wounded."
  12. Kendrick Willowsong The enemies were closing fast and their carefully laid trap was near worthless. This would be a fight, not an ambush it seemed. Static rose from his clothes and filled the air in a bubble for thirty feet on every side of Kendrick. He focused on his enemies, allowing cousin Tuco to exclude his friends from the blast. "Now! Shock them now!" Successful Fort saves will allow the villains to take half. Allies are not affected.
  13. I got different plans for this round. I have an AoE lightning spell I've been itching to try.
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