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The Foglifter Café (OOC)

People dream but...
...do dreams people?




Have you ever stood and stared at it, marveled at its beauty, its genius? Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious.
Agent Smith, The Matrix

You live in a strange supernatural city and that city lives in an even stranger mist. Up to now, you and the City have both seemed very normal and perhaps even dull. But that is what the Mist wants you to believe. The Mist can alter reality, perception and especially memory in you and those you love to keep its secret. But the Mist is not all powerful and here is what you have recently learned.

You are a rift, part regular joe or jane and part real hero from myth and legend. Maybe all of the sleepers around you are and you are just one of the few who has awakened. Maybe you just want the Mist to take you back to the normal, simple and mortal life you thought you had. But your heroic Mythos nature now compels you to do right for the City. Will you be forever divided? Who knows, but you have seen through the Mist and now things can never be the same.

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