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  • Dice Tower


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    Adding a Roll to a Post

    The Dice Tower is the method of rolling dice utilized on Myth-Weavers.

    How to add a dice roll to a post:

    1. Make a post (even if it is only a place-holder for the roll) and press "Submit Reply." You cannot roll dice without making a post first for the dice to go in. The post can be edited after the dice are rolled without interfering with the dice. You can also add more rolls to the same post if you like. Note: dice can only be rolled in game forums.

    2. Press the dice panel button in the top right corner of the dice post. This will open up the dice tower at the bottom of the post. (Note: this button can be used to toggle the dice panel open and closed on any post.)



    3. Choose which dice tower interface you prefer:



    The interface options are (from left to right) . . .

    A. "Magic wand" - GUI mode. The most user-friendly option with helpful drop-down selectors for building dice rolls.

    B. "Spreadsheet" - Table mode. A hybrid mode for people who want a little visual separation between labels and dice strings.

    C. ">_" - CLI mode. For people who want to get down-and-dirty. This mode also supports copy and paste of dice entry from an external text document.

    D. "Document" - Sheet mode. Coming Soon!


    GUI Mode

    You can use GUI mode to build a dice roll or series of dice rolls. There are options available from the various drop-downs for . . .

    A. Giving the roll a label (all rolls must be labeled) and picking the size of the dice and the number of sides.



    B. Choosing from among the pre-programed dice sets (see below for a list and explanation of each).



    C. Choosing additional dice functions (see below for a list and explanation of each).




    D. Previewing the dice roll (by clicking the "Preview Dice" button), adding additional rolls to the post (by clicking the "Add A Roll" button), and posting the rolls (by clicking the "Roll Dice" button).


    Table Mode

    Instead of using the graphic interface to build a roll, you can build the roll yourself using valid dice strings (see below for a list and explanation of each).



    Just give the roll a name and enter the roll string.


    CLI Mode

    For an even more straight-forward experience, use CLI mode. You can enter the roll string by hand though you still must give the roll a label (e.g. "attack:1d6+2"). You can have multiple rolls in a string with a single label using a semicolon (e.g. Attack:1d20+4;1d6+2).


    You can also cut-and-paste multiple lines of dice strings into the CLI input box. For example . . .


    Bob Initiative:1d20+7
    Tim Initiative:1d20+3
    Kate Initiative:1d20-1
    Adam Initiative:1d20+1

    results in . . .


    See below for a list and explanation of each type of valid dice strings.

    Inline Dice

    Inline dice and linking to existing tower rolls are now available within the WYSIWYG editor. Consistent with past practice, Community Supporters get early access to in-development features, and there will continue to be tweaks and enhancements to this one. You'll find two shiny new beta-beta buttons at the end of your toolbar:

    image.png.59a53535fb97b5ad833b2ab841a3ce9c.png ⬅️ Inline dice rolling. This button brings up a dialog box where you can enter a new roll, CLI-style (e.g., Test Roll:1d6). The roll will be performed and added to the tower results when you submit the new post (or edit an existing one).

    image.png.968def0441043bfff1c7064f15ad60bf.png  ⬅️ Link to existing roll. This button brings up a dialog box where you can select any of your existing rolls from the post. The existing result will be linked inline within the post.

    For both of these, you have the option of specifying to show the result (analogous to the "z" flag on the OGMW dice roller) or the details (analogous to the dice tag on OGMW) as text in the post. If neither are selected, the default will be to show the details and result as an OOC tag.

    For everyone, deployment of these features means that the auto-linking of dice results to post content based on matching text has been eliminated.

    Valid Dice Strings - Functions

    1. The dice string formula for standard RPG dice rolls is as follows:

    [number of dice]d[dice size][operation][modifier]

    For example: to roll 1 die with 20 sides and then add 3, the string would be: 1d20+3

    You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide as the operation.


    2. Additional rolls can be put in the place of or after modifiers with any operator.

    For example: 1d6+1d8 or 1d10*1d10 or 1d6*1d6+3+1d10


    3. You can assign multiple dice expressions to the same label by separating the expressions with semicolons. For example, 1d6;1d4;1d2 will roll the three dice and give a result such as 1;1;1 (if you are relatively unlucky) or 6;4;2 (if you are a GM rolling against your players).


    4. Additional functionality:



    explode(dice, threshold, count) - for each individual die at or above the threshold, roll an additional die.


    The count parameter determines how many times to continue rolling if the additional die also matches or exceeds the threshold. If 0 or omitted, rolls will continue to be added until a value is rolled that is below the threshold.


    Keep and Drop

    keep(dice, order, number) - sort the rolled dice and keep the specified number of dice. If you don't specify a number, one die will be kept.
    drop(dice, order, number) - sort the rolled dice and drop the specified number of dice. If you don't specify a number, one die will be dropped.


    There are two constants for the "order" parameter: highest and lowest.

    For example, "keep(10d10,3,highest)" keeps the highest 3d10 from the rolled 10d10. "drop(10d10,3,highest)" drops the highest 3d10 from the rolled 3d10. Effectively, keep and drop are inverse functions; that is, keep highest 3 or drop lowest 7 give the same result.

    For D&D 5e aficionados, this means that you can get advantage using "keep(2d20,highest)" and disadvantage using "keep(2d20,lowest)". Put your modifier at the end, e.g., "keep(2d20,highest)-3" means "roll 2d20, keep the highest of the two dice, and subtract 3". The modifier needs to be put at the end of the function; i.e. keep(2d20+3,highest) will return an error.



    repeat(expression, count) - Repeats the dice expression count times. The result is returned as an array.


    Because the result is an array, repeat() cannot be combined with other functions at the top level; that is, it would be invalid to ask for repeat(keep(4d6,highest,3),6)+4 because adding 4 to an array is not a valid mathematical operation. Instead, use repeat(keep(4d6,highest,3)+4,6). By this same token, repeat(keep(4d6+4,highest,3),6) is not valid, because 4d6+4 results in a number, not a set of dice.



    reroll(dice, threshold, direction, count) - reroll any die that is at or below/at or above the threshold, optionally limiting the number of rerolls.


    There are two new constants for the "direction" parameter: above and below.

     - above - reroll if the die is greater than or equal to the threshold
     - below - reroll if the die is less than or equal to the threshold

    The default behavior is below, with infinite rerolls. That is, you can specify "reroll(6d6,3)" and it will reroll any 1s, 2s, or 3s until the result is better than 3.



    sort(dice, order) - return the rolled dice sorted in the requested order, highest (to lowest) or lowest (to highest)


    Success and Failure

    success(dice, threshold, direction, cancel, bonus) - Count how many of the dice meet the success criteria.


    If the direction parameter "above" is included, count dice that match or exceed the threshold.
    If the direction parameter "below" is included, count dice that match or are lower than the threshold.
    If the cancel parameter "yes" is included, then each 1 rolled cancels a success. If left blank the cancel parameter defaults to "no."
    If the bonus parameter "yes" is included then each maximum die roll adds a bonus success. If left blank the bonus parameter defaults to "no."


    failure(dice, threshold) - Count how many dice match or are lower than the threshold.


    This is functionally the same as success(dice, threshold, below).  


    Valid Dice Strings - Game Systems


    age(modifier, target) - Roll dice for Adventure Game Engine


    This will roll 2d6 regular dice plus 1d6 stunt die. The roller will then total the dice, adding the modifier (if any), and compare it to the target number (if provided). If you roll doubles, then the value of your stunt die is indicated with a [STUNT: x] result in addition to the total and any success/fail calculation.


    Ars Magica

    arsmagica(modifier) - Rolls 1d10 and adds the modifier.


    In this case a roll of 10 is worth 10.


    arsmagica(modifier, #botch) - Rolls 1d10 and applies the Ars Magica stress mechanic.


    If a 10 is rolled, it counts as 0 and the specified number of botch dice are rolled. A botch occurs if any of the botch dice come up as 0. Conversely, if a 1 is rolled, the tower continues to roll dice, doubling the roll multiplier for each consecutive 1 rolled. When any non-1 is rolled, that value is multiplied by the roll multiplier, counting 10 as 10.



    fate(modifier) - Roll using Fate dice.


    If you are rolling 4dFate+3, the string would be fate(3). The roller needs some sort of number as the modifier, so if you are rolling straight 4dFate plus nothing, the string is: fate(0).



    genesys(ability, proficiency, boost, difficulty, challenge, setback, success, advantage, triumph, failure, threat, despair) - Rolls Genesys RPG dice.


    Outputs Genesys image dice.



    l5r(ring, skill) - Rolls dice for the Legend of the Five Rings RPG (5th edition)


    Outputs L5R 5th edition image dice.



    ore(# pool dice, # hard dice, # wiggle dice, expert dice) - Roll dice for One Roll Engine


    You can enter as many expert dice as you need, separated by commas.


    Roll and Keep (7th Sea, L5R)

    rollandkeep(rolled, kept, explode, raises, free raises, target number) - Roll using Roll and Keep


    Rollandkeep is for various d10 systems, typically 7th Sea and earlier editions of L5R. "Rolled" is the number of d10s. "Kept" is the number of dice in the pool that are tallied. "Explode" indicates that 10s should be rolled again, increasing the number of dice in the pool "Rolled" and the number of dice "Kept." "Raises Declared" voluntarily increases the target number in increments of +5. Free raises are +5 bonuses to the roll (given by various skills). "Target Number" is the difficulty (meet or exceed to report a success).


    Star Wars (FFG)

    ffgsw(ability, proficiency, boost, difficulty, challenge, setback, force, success, advantage, triumph, failure, threat, despair, light, dark) - Rolls Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars dice.


    Outputs FFGSW image dice.



    tor(sixes, weary, favor) - Roll using The One Ring mechanics.


    Rolls the specified number of d6s, plus 1d12 (if favor is omitted), 2d12 keep highest (if favor parameter is set to "favor"), or 2d12 keep lowest (if favor parameter is set to "ill"), summing the results. If the weary parameter is set to "yes," d6 results less than 4 become 0 before being summed. The special sigil 𐍈 on the d12 indicates the Eye of Sauron, which is a zero and bodes ill. The special sigil ᚠ on the d12 indicates the rune of Gandalf, which is a 10 and an automatic success.


    Common Rolls

    Below are a list of common dice strings. You can copy and paste these right into the roller using CLI mode. Note: for all of these dice strings, the word or words that begin the string, before the colon, are the dice label and can be changed to whatever you prefer. A label is required for every roll string in CLI mode.


    Ability Score Generation (D&D, 3d6 x 6)

    Use this string to generate ability scores for Dungeons and Dragons or one of its many clones. It rolls 3d6 six times.


    Ability Scores:repeat(3d6,6)


    Ability Score Generation (D&D, 4d6, drop the lowest, x 6)

    Use this string to generate ability scores for Dungeons and Dragons or one of its many clones. It rolls 4d6 and drops the lowest of the four rolls. It repeats this six times.


    Ability Scores:repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6)


    Ability Score Generation (D&D, 4d6, reroll 1s, drop the lowest, x6)

    Use this string to generate ability scores for Dungeons and Dragons or one of its many clones. It rolls 4d6, rerolls all 1s, and then drops the lowest of the four rolls. It repeats this six times.


    Ability Scores:repeat(drop(reroll(4d6,1,below),lowest),6)

    If you wish to limit the rerolling of 1s to only one per die (i.e. if a 1 is rolled, it is rerolled, but if the reroll is also a 1, then the 1 is kept), use the following string:


    Ability Scores:repeat(drop(reroll(4d6,1,below),lowest,1),6)

    If you wish to drop the lowest die before rerolling the 1s (instead of rerolling and then dropping), use the following dice string:


    Ability Scores:repeat(reroll(drop(4d6,lowest),1,below),6)


    Attack and Damage (D&D)

    Use this string to generate an attack roll and a damage roll for Dungeon and Dragons or one of its many clones. It rolls a 1d20+1 and a 1d6+1. The "+1" modifier can be changed to whatever modifier you need as can the size of either dice (e.g. 1d20+6 and 1d8+4).


    Attack and Damage:1d20+1;1d6+1


    Ironsworn Action Roll

    Use this string to roll the Action Die with modifier and two Challenge Die. The "+3" modifier after the "1d6" can be changed to whatever modifier you need.


    Enter the Fray:1d6+3;1d10;1d10


    New World of Darkness Dice Pool

    Use this string to roll x number of d10s. Any roll of 10 "explodes" (is rolled again), and successes for any roll of 8 or higher are tallied. Note: the number of dice, the size of the dice, and the success threshold can be changed as needed.


    Strength + Athletics:success(explode(5d10,10),8,above,no,no)


    Rolling a D20 with Advantage (D&D)

    Use this string to roll a D20 with Advantage (rolling two D20s and keeping the highest result). Note: a modifier can be added or removed from the string as illustrated below. Also note: damage can be added to the roll with ";1d6+2" for example.


    Attack with Advantage:keep(2d20,highest)+3


    Rolling a D20 with Disadvantage (D&D)

    Use this string to roll a D20 with Disadvantage (rolling two D20s and keeping the lower result). Note: a modifier can be added or removed from the string as illustrated below. Also note: damage can be added to the roll with ";1d6+2" for example.


    Attack with Disadvantage:keep(2d20,lowest)+3


    Rolling Two Dice and Adding them Together

    Use this sting to roll two dice of any size and add them together. Note: modifiers can be added to any, all, or none of the dice.


    Fortitude Save (with Bless):1d20+3+1d4

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